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Welcome to P6/7

Class Teachers: Mrs J Boyd & Mr M Creelman


We all complete Accelerated Reading to try to become a ‘Word Millionaire’ as well as reading a class novel each half term. We try to link our writing to our Topic. Community of Enquiry is great fun as well as allowing us the opportunity to express ourselves orally.



As well as covering the basics of the four operations, we try to make our learning relate to our lives, e.g. making a shopping list for our party. We use the whole school environment for realistic opportunities to measure.



Topics vary from a science, geographical or historical viewpoint. Using the local environment is an integral part of our learning; such as visits to The Eel Fisheries at Toome, The Flax Museum in Upperlands or The Big Bang in Ballymena.



We also teach towards the SEAG and offer After Schools clubs.

Our curriculum also includes P.E., Swimming, R.E., PDMU, Art and Music.


Other information

P7 pupils have the chance to run for election as House Captains, Librarians, Playground Pals or Eco- Warriors. The responsibility of these appointments help prepare our young people for later life.

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